Our Focus Sustainable Development Goals – SDGs

  • SDG-7

    We zero our energy footprint by obtaining our energy from 100% renewable energy sources in our offices, stores and warehouses.

    By switching to completely renewable energy use, we obtained the International Renewable Energy Certificate (I-REC).

    At the same time, we will switch to using efficient and long-lasting LED lights that consume less energy in our offices, stores and warehouses.

  • SDG-12

    We will increase our products and collections containing recycled materials.

    We will establish a Responsible Supply Chain. We will highlight our suppliers based on the results of our Sustainable Brand Criteria and show our customers information about these brands as transparently as possible.

    We will improve all our operations and reduce our waste within the framework of the Zero Waste 5R Approach .

    We will provide Sustainable Shopping Recommendations to our customers.

    We will encourage our suppliers to use renewable energy and make investments in this regard.

  • SDG-13

    We will constantly measure and keep our emissions under control. We will make these procedures the focus of our supply and sales instructions.

    Together with our expert sustainability consultants, we will develop additional projects that will minimize our carbon footprint and become an exemplary brand in this regard.

    We will encourage all our stakeholders to minimize their carbon footprint through regular information.